Aries and Aquarius Relationship

When Aries and Aquarius enter into a romantic relationship, their blend of Aquarius’ vision and Aries’ action makes for a highly creative and dynamic partnership.

A relationship between Aries and Aquarius is full of energy and excitement, as both partners share a love for adventure and novel experiences. They have a deep understanding of each other’s enthusiasm and idealism, and their communication is usually excellent. However, they can also be competitive with each other, and their relationship can lack stability due to their independent natures.

Aries admires Aquarius for their unique and creative perspective, while Aquarius appreciates Aries’ energy and willingness to take initiative. However, Aries’ possessiveness can clash with Aquarius’ need for freedom, leading the latter to become detached and aloof. Despite their special connection, they have differing views on many aspects of life, which can cause tension in the relationship.

Aries tends to get too involved for Aquarius’ liking, while Aquarius can be too unpredictable for Aries’ taste. Aquarius is more spontaneous than Aries, which can be a source of competition between them. The key to making this relationship work is for both partners to reassure each other of their commitment and importance to each other, despite their differences.


Aries is governed by the Planet Mars (Passion), while Aquarius is governed by the Planets Saturn (Karma) and Uranus (Rebellion).

Aquarius receives its innovative, forward-thinking ideas from Uranus and its sense of social responsibility and charity from Saturn. Mars, on the other hand, can complement this combination perfectly by adding a touch of passionate, straightforward action to these high-minded concepts and principles.


Aries is characterized as a Fire Sign while Aquarius is an Air Sign. The Air element helps Fire spread and intensify, and in the same way, Aquarius can help Aries generate new ideas and plans, and then bring them to fruition. Aquarius stimulates Aries intellectually, which is something that many other Zodiac Signs cannot provide. Both Signs have broad interests, so the mentally active Aquarius can give the physically active Aries plenty of inspiration for new adventures and pursuits.


Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Aries can provide Aquarius with the impetus to take action instead of just staying in their head and coming up with new ideas. Aquarius, in turn, can help Aries to focus and complete projects instead of always moving onto the next thing without finishing what they started. Despite their different approaches, they have a mutual respect and admiration for each other, which can help them overcome any challenges in their relationship.

What’s the best aspect of the Aries-Aquarius relationship?

Aries and Aquarius have a dynamic relationship where they can achieve a lot when they work together. The combination of Cardinal Fire and Fixed Air covers all aspects of their partnership, from visionary ideas to practical implementation.